Thursday, December 14, 2006

Day 1... of a new blog...

After two Years of procrastinating and dilly-dallying... i am finally blogging again.... and god willing .. i hope i carry on...

lemme introduce myself...

i am rahul... an mba... and working in a govt. bank in corp. communication profile.... pretty neat if u ask me...

i am in mumbai.... they call in the city of dreamz... weather they are broken ... or shattered ... or glorious... is an another story in itself....

This city amazes me... i personally hate this city .. i cant stand the crowds... the stink of the fish on churchgate irritates me no end.... but this city amazes me... its got this relentless energy about that that chugs it along... no matter what... no terrorist ... no rain... no riots... can stop this city...

and yes... Dreams do come true in Bombay.... aamchi mumbai....

hey hang on... i thought this blog was abt me... but its turning into a tribute to the city...

well.. i will let it take the honors.... jaa aish kar yaar...

and god... pleeeeaaaasssseeee.... give me something to blog about everyday....

cheerz for now...

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